Bugfix release Version 1.3.2

I must apologize the bug release of Version 1.3.x, there are more problems inside as I expected. I will do my best to sort out all issues, please be so kind and open a new thread at the forums when you have still problems with the new version.

In this minutes I uploaded  Version 1.3.2, if you want to use the automatic upgrade it can takes a couple of hours until your WordPress installation recognize the new update.

Thanks for all the help at the forums !

Download NextGEN Gallery Version 1.3.3
Release @ wordpress.org

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72 thoughts on “Bugfix release Version 1.3.2

  1. Rod. says:

    Hi there,

    I download the new version, and it kind fixed, instead now of triple gallery, I am getting double. Can you check on this issue, and also I added a new album, and it didn’t display on my site.
    Here an example: http://brinskids.com/blog/?page_id=23&album=4&gallery=7



  2. Jessica says:

    I have someone who wants their actual gallery to pop up like the individual pictures do (with the grayed out background), how would one go about doing that?

  3. I’ve just upgraded to the 1.3.2 version, and the widget stopped working. Is there a known bug? Something I can do to fix it?

  4. Update: after the 1.3.2 upgrade EVERYTHING stopped working, I can just create empty galleries, but when I try to upload images I always get an “ERROR HTTP ERROR” message 😦

    What happens?

  5. UB says:

    Hi Alex. I’ve using your plug-in for almost a year. After upgrading to last verion a weird problem appeared.

    In gallery management, for any picture, i change title, description or something else and then click save changes, nothing happends.

    Firefox POSTs the page to the server, but no change done. So to change my picture name, i have log in to phpMyAdmin all the time.

    Does anyone else had this problem? Can i enable debug, (or something like it, if exists) to find the problem? Can you give me a clue where to start?

    Greetings form Turkey. 🙂

  6. Fader says:

    Hi Alex!

    Maybe you help me:


  7. Dear Alex,

    your gallery is definitely great but to regret after last upgrade I have problem with gallery. I can upload only one image in gallery, there is no buttom Add more image. Hope you and your team can fix this.

    Thank you and keep on good work.



  8. Nick says:

    Hi Alex, after the upgrade to 1.3.2 I can now see the the gallery and album thumbnails again but can not excess the albums. The widget is working fine. THX

  9. Alex says:

    I cannot access the plugin control panel anymore!!! I didn’t upgrade the plugin, but when I try to enter the control panel I get the following message:

    The script detect that you upgrade from a older version. Your database tables for NextGEN Gallery is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue. If you would like to downgrade later, please make first a complete backup of your database and the images.

    The upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.
    Start upgrade now…

    I didn’t upgraded anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don’t want to upgrade anything, I just want to continue working with the older version!!! I’m running an institutional website and now I cannot work anymore, JUST IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IMPORTANT EVENT TO BE COVERED WITH PHOTO PICTURES!!!

    HOW CAN I FIX THIS?!?!?!?

  10. Peter says:


    Firstly, thank you for a great plugin. I’ve been using it for a while and it’s worked very well for me.

    I’ve just upgraded to WordPress 2.8 and NextGEN 1.3.2 and the lightbox effect is no longer working for my gallery image lists. Is this likely to be a setting, a bug in WordPress or a bug in NextGEN?

    Also, I have over 30 galleries but I only see the first 30 listed in the admin area. Again, is this a bug or a setting I’ve missed.

    Thanks again for a great plugin.

  11. bgin says:

    Thanks for this wonderfull plugin.

    I had just upgraded to Nextgen 1.3.2 (WP 2.7.1), and the slideshow function doesn’t run.

    Thanks for bug fix.

  12. James Tucker says:

    Also is there still an issue with the album configuration, I can’t seem to drag and drop anything? WP 2.8

  13. Christoph says:

    I updated to 1.3.2 an WP 2.8. Now sorting of images doesn´t work anymore. After hiting the save button the images return to their old positions.

  14. SX says:

    Little problem after updateing ng-gallery. When clicking on a picture the javascript pops up an everything works just fine. But the close-button is linked wrong. Where can I change the path?



  15. Giuseppe says:

    I just upgraded to 1.3.3, but I see no post for it, so I’m commenting here…

    My problem is that the album-in-album feature simply isn’t working. When I put an album into another album, and I put the containing album on a page, the sub-album appears on that page, but clicking on it gives me a 404.

  16. boilr says:

    i’ve pinpointed my WP 2.8 dashboard issues to having nextgen gallery enabled.

    for the record, i love this plugin and its been a wonderful tool.

    just wanted to let you know it seems to be conflicting with the new 2.8 (it seems to be a jquery bug)

  17. Christoph says:

    1.3.3 fixed my sorting problem. Thanks a lot for your great work (and the quick bug fix).

  18. bgin says:

    My problem is fixed : the URL to JW image rotator was empty after upgrade.

    Very fine

  19. SX says:

    1.3.3 fixed my above problem.

  20. Lysi says:

    Hi Alex!!!

    I use your very fantastic plugin but nothing works now with WordPress 2.8… I tried everything but nothinf works.. I don’t know what do to more.. Can you help me?sorry I don’t speak very well English… but very well French, lol! 😀 Thanks…

  21. Lysi says:

    Ho ho… I forgot… I’ve tryed the version 1.3.3 too but always sames problems… thanks..

  22. Rich says:

    Im Since 1.3 upgrade, I have been having different issues among all my sites, still now with 1.33, I can not run Thickbox on one of my sites, but I see all the calls to it .. I have delete and reinstalled it all and still not working correctly .. any ideas?

  23. The_cobra666 says:

    I don’t like this release, it’s buggy. Since upgrading tot WP 2.8 and next 1.3.3, I am unable to put a gallery into an album. I cannot move it. The minimize and expand buttons, also don’t work.

  24. Eric says:

    In my case, it’s slideshow with gallery which doesn’t work ! Even with tag or with widget ! Good luck to find the bug !

  25. Darlene says:

    I no longer can add images at all. I have tried going back all the way to version 1.2…. but it still does not work. WordPress was upgraded so some of the issues you may be having may be WordPress related.

  26. david says:

    Hi, I just upgraded autimatically. Galleries display just as usual but if you click on an image to view it, the loading bar appears but never displays the image. This in any gallery and on any image.
    Am I missing something? Used to work perfectly.

  27. Nick says:

    Hi. Love the plugin but after update to WP 2.8 and NGG 1.3.3 I’m having the same problem as Peter and others. The javascript/lightbox effect on my image thumbnails doesn’t work correctly. Luckily it degrades to just a straight image link but the lightbox effect doesn’t happen. Anyone fixed this yet?

  28. sjoerd says:

    After the up-date of 2.8 and1.3.3 will the photo albums not open.. How is it possible? and how can i fix this? Same as david, am i missing somthing??

  29. sjoerd says:

    My problem with the albums are fixt, in gallary then manage gallery, you get one of youre album and then create a new page. And now i can open my albums again….

  30. Cal says:

    Hy, great plug,! but since i’ve updated to 2.8 i’m getting the ‘white screen of death’ when I’m activating the Nextgen plug. How come?

  31. norbert says:


    leider werden keine thumbs mehr angezeigt, obwohl sie generiert wurden.

    wp 2.7.1 – 100mb memmory

    was kann das sein?

  32. norbert says:

    nachtrag zu gerade: ich habe festgestellt das die thumbs in der neuen version mit den rechten 600 erstellt werden, vorher war es immer 640. habe manuell auf 640 gestellt und die werden angezeigt.

    ist natürlich lästig immer manuell umzustellen …

  33. Carl says:

    After the upgrade all NGG works for me EXCEPT [nggallery id=2] for example. All [nggallery id=*] tags are broken. Any ideas?

  34. Natural says:

    i am also getting the double images in an album. i have the latest version. any idea why?

  35. Natural says:


    i have double images, but only in the first album. help. thanks.

  36. Skinner says:

    Hey, bro I just downloaded and installed 1.3.3 version. But I can’t seem to upload any images. I tried to click the browse button and nothing happen.

    Thanks in advance….

  37. Brian says:

    The thickbox effect will not work. I’ve unistalled and reinstalled and it still doesn’t work.

  38. Rajesh says:

    Lightbox effect/ highslide effect no longer work!

  39. Brian says:

    For those of you having an issue with Thickbox, here’s a work around. You can install the Lightbox plugin and go to options on the NextGen plugin and change the lightbox effect to read: class=”lightbox” rel=”lightbox[%GALLERY_NAME%]”

    I know it would be nice to have the other one fixed but this will work for now.

  40. Melissa says:

    i am building a new blog with just shots that i take as i am walking around.

    I uploaded your plugin and i seem to be able to figure everythign out, but the slideshow doesn’t start automatically.

    Please have to click on two links for the slideshow to start. am i doing something wrong.

    please view it at :


    the images are under miscellaneous.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  41. Omer says:

    I’m a bit cautious about upgrading the nextgen gallery. Why fix something thats not broken? Im going to stick with the older version until all the bugs get hammered out. The AJAX navigation though for gallerys looks AWESOME.

  42. Melissa says:

    don’t see my question on here so i will try again…

    once people click on a page to see my pics they have to click on two seperate links before the slideshow starts.

    any way to get it to start when they open the page, or at least change it to just one link.

    please view it here http://www.shift37.com under miscellaneous…

  43. Adrian says:

    Is it possible to get rid of the image header text when showing a single image browser ?

  44. Brian says:

    The solution for me with the Lightbox issue was to make sure that the “wp_footer” fuction was called. Once I uncommented the tag it works great.

    Hope this helps.


  45. Rajesh says:

    @Brian: Which tag to uncomment? Can you be more specific?

  46. jason says:

    hi Brian, did change the code


    but it still not showing in lightbox.. err do we need to manually add the .js file of lightbox ? any other modifications we we need to do ?

  47. The_cobra666 says:


    I’m stuck with 3.1.3. When I go to the album page, I can’t “pick up” an album or gallery to put it in an album. It selects text.

    I also cannot edit an album.

    Deleted 1.3.3. Installed 1.2.1 and I could again move the gallery’s to a different album. As soon as I installed 1.3.0, I couldn’t.

    The problem is with 1.3.0. The update proces, spit out one error:

    Upgrade NextGEN Gallery
    Upgrade database structure…

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘post_id’]
    ALTER TABLE wp_ngg_pictures ADD INDEX post_id ( post_id )

    Upgrade sucessful


    I did notice, that the controls for “minimize, maximize and show all”, do not work.

  48. Rajesh says:

    Hi all,
    Upgrading to latest lighbtox solved my pbms (mentioned in above comments).


  49. Alex,

    You have a big ?design flaw?! $picturelist = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $wpdb->nggpictures ORDER BY pid DESC”);

    I’ve loaded nextgen gallery with over 25xxx pictures. When I go to the album page, everything is read from the database and pushed in html to the browser. That’s over 25xxx lines of code!!!! No wonder it didn’t worked anymore. I had to up the memory limit to 60M for it to work again, but this ain’t a permanent sollution!

    Here the link for the html that’s being pushed to the browser… http://files.getdropbox.com/u/19518/Problemnextgen.rtf

    Please fix this…

  50. Great plugin, but having issues with displaying galleries on wp press. You can check out the problem at


    How do I get the galleries to display. I recently upgraded to 1.3.3?


  51. Mike Lyon says:

    slideshow no longer working NextGen 1.3.3 with WordPress 2.8

    [slideshow id=4] in post, for example, NO HINT of the slideshow appears in the post. The imagerotator.php and imagerotator.swf files referenced in the PHP generated code exist in proper locations in the site — generated code for the page contains:

    The Flash Player and a browser with Javascript support are needed..

    var so4_1 = {
    params : {
    wmode : “opaque”,
    allowfullscreen : “true”},
    flashvars : {
    file : “http://blochcancer.org/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/xml/imagerotator.php?gid=4”,
    shuffle : “false”,
    linkfromdisplay : “true”,
    overstretch : “fit”,
    rotatetime : “3”,
    transition : “fade”,
    backcolor : “0x000000”,
    frontcolor : “0xFFFFFF”,
    lightcolor : “0xffff00”,
    width : “588”,
    height : “450”},
    attr : {
    styleclass : “slideshow”,
    name : “so4”},
    start : function() {
    swfobject.embedSWF(“http://blochcancer.org/wp-content/uploads/imagerotator.swf”, “so4_1”, “588”, “450”, “7.0.0”, false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );

    Any help or ideas???

  52. Jan says:

    I don’t know if You are the person to talk to, but the NGG Widget breaks valid html. the titel h2 ist closed with a h3 tag 😉

  53. Moroner says:

    I found in 1.3.3 that somehow a typo crept into line 68 of manage_thumbnail.php. If you fix it to read $WidthHtmlPrev again, square and landscape images can have their thumbnails adjusted again.

  54. Alex says:


    I am running wordpres 2.8_de with k2 theme and NextGEN Gallery 1.3.3 de.

    To show a slideshow in my header, I put this code in my header.php:

    And in my style.css I have this code:
    /* Slidehow-Header */
    #header #nggSlideShowHeader .ngg-widget-slideshow {
    horizontal-align: middle;
    margin-top: 10px;

    Now my question/problem: how can I specify the position of the slideshow as I want to make it an exact position in the header area, so that the slideshow won’t cover my whole header.jpg but only a small part?

    Thx so help in forward,

  55. tyo says:

    Ver 3.1.3 there is error…. i was creat album, but in my album there double picture…. http://blog.eo-sapphire.com/gallery/?album=2&gallery=2

    Please help me for it…….

  56. tyo says:

    First album list is double album in one album

  57. No_Style says:

    I’ve been having issues retrieving posts from my blog with Windows Live Writer. So I did a bit of digging and it appears that the Next Gen Gallery Plugin was the culprit as detailed here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/240595

    I didn’t get the exact error in my WLW log, but as soon as I disabled NGG plugin, I was able retrieve my posts without a problem. If you need more details, please let me know.

  58. sfl says:

    i cant put any gallery in an album per drag & drop. Nothing goes with drag&drop…

  59. hello Alex i got this problem when i get in the page:

    Warning: load_dependencies(/home/motospo1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggfunctions.php) [function.load-dependencies]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/motospo1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php on line 252

    i logged in and deactivate the nextgen gallery plung in and can get in, i have the version 1.3.3 but dont know what to do

    thanks for your help


  60. Franz says:


    same problem: slideshow doesn’t work …

    Please help … 🙂

    Thank you!


  61. Jay says:

    I’m still using 1.2.1 and it’s stable and works great. I LOVE The new ajax functionality of 1.3, but i’ll wait a month so all the bugs get worked out. Thanks Alex for all your hard work!

  62. Jeff Hayford says:

    Great Plug-in, thanks for all the hard work. A client of mine is having trouble sorting the images in his gallery, it seems to snap back to “unsorted” “ascending” but it never saves the changes. Tried numbering the files 001, 002, 003 etc and then setting “File Name” and “Ascending” in Options but it still snaps back to “unsorted” “ascending”. Any help would be appreciated, just upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.3.3 and still no difference.

  63. Matthias M says:

    Hi, i habe a problem

    WordPress Datenbank-Fehler: [Duplicate key name ‘post_id’]
    ALTER TABLE wp_ngg_pictures ADD INDEX post_id ( post_id )

    i can not drag and drop a album an my wp 2.8 working not fin

    what is the problem with ngg 1.3.3 and wp 2.8

    please help me

  64. Gemini says:


    you reported this error:
    “Warning: load_dependencies(/home/motospo1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggfunctions.php) [function.load-dependencies]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/motospo1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php on line 252”

    i had the same thing happen. for me, at some point, a file was deleted, core.php. once i redownloaded the plugin and reuploaded the file, everything works again.

    hope this helps!


  65. Vic says:

    Hi Alex, I love the plugin! I added it to my site after my site was about a year old, now I have over 200 galleries I build using pages before I got this plugin and I was wondering if there is anyway I can add them to my nextgen albums?

    I sure hope you can help me with this because I really don’t want to rebuild 200 galleries!

  66. marcelo araujo says:

    hi Alex. congratulation for the excelente nextegen plugin. i have some suggestions:
    – make an option to show the text description of galleries in the page of the thumbnails/slideshow.
    – only the shutter effects is working in the new version. the other effects doesnt working. its possible to link them to the websites?
    – in the slideshow widget can make an option to image works as a link. if i click in the image i go to specified url.
    – the next and previous arrows in the nextgen gallery are blue, exactly #0066CC colour. where i change this? i modify all css files but it doesnt change. i suggest that in options you put the field to edit css, and when the users make the updates of version, preserve the modified stylesheets.
    thats all; thanks a lot and sorry for my english!

  67. gabrielle says:

    Hi Alex,
    NextGen is by far the best gallery management plugin out there so thanks for all your hard work. I know you are having issues with the plugin and i’ve scoured the web for a fix to my problem but I can’t find it.

    I am using 1.3.3 and wordpress 2.9.2.

    In the management page, when i go to manage the gallery, most of the tabled information to add tags and titles is gone and there is a lot of white space between the images.

    If you could help I’d be most grateful. I can send you a screenshot of the problem if you give me an address to email it to.

    Many thanks,

  68. gabrielle says:

    ps I reset the default settings but this did not fix the issue.

  69. gabrielle says:

    Sorry. I am using NextGen Version 1.5.3, not 1.3.3. The issue occured somewhere between 1.4 and 1.5 when i upgraded.

  70. JG says:

    I have albums and sub albums.

    If I go to a page where there is an album loaded nothing happens when I click on the album, same page refresh.

    EXAMPLE below,


    anybody would advise?

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