Tag Archives: NextGEN-Gallery

Photocrati continue the NextGEN Gallery development

I’m very proud and happy to announce that Photocrati, the biggest supporter of my Plugin NextGEN Gallery continue the further development. The people behind Photocrati themes support me in my work already a couple of years and finally we find some way how we can continue the success of this plugin.

NextGEN Gallery is now more than 4 years old and with more than 5 million downloads the number one of all gallery addons for WordPress. WordPress is grown in the same time to the biggest blogging platform and the speed of development increased over the time. Unfortunately the day has still 24 hours and I’m just coding in my free time.

With Photocrati in the background I hope this plugin can increase in functionality and features much faster than I can do. I’m very happy that my “baby” find it’s feet now…

Let me thank to more than 1000 people who supported and donated to my work, without you this plugin would not be there. Thank you very much !

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Bugfix release V1.9.2

Yes, I’m still alive ! Terrible busy with my job at the moment and in the spare time I’m playing Skyrim, which really makes me crazy… So, NextGEN Gallery development has a little break, hopefully after my vacation next week I can catch up some new energy for a restart.

Anyway, I’ve collected a couple of bugfixes the last weeks. The new version 1.9.2 is now avaiable.

Enjoy !


NextGEN Gallery V1.9.0 Release Candidate 1

Here is the final version which should be stable enough for production sides. Please help testing now !


NextGEN Gallery 1.9.0 Beta 1

WordPress 3.3 will arrive in the next weeks, so it’s time for the new version of NextGEN Gallery. This version introduces along with WordPress 3.3 the new PLupload feature. I also rework a bit the PNG /GIF format handling, so that transparency images are should be shown up correct.


Security update 1.8.4 and 4.000.000 downloads

Normally I’m happy to announce that NextGEN gallery reached 4 million downloads, but due to a security fixes I need to advice that everybody should update to the latest release 1.8.4. If you whatever reason prefer not to update the plugin, I suggest to download the file tags.php and overwrite this file in your nextgen-gallery/admin folder

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Client side image resize

Thanks to the work of the Moxiecode & WordPress team, I’m able to add the plupload feature into the next major release of NextGEN Gallery. Plupload is a tool which allows you to upload files using HTML5, Silverlight or Flash and enable a client side resize feature. Great framework !

A long long time I’m looking for such a great solution (just find some bad java based solution), I will publish this new feature along with the release of WordPress 3.3

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Rewrite rules…

It’s a real nightmare to release a new version of NextGEN Gallery. One the one hand new features , on the other hand every upgrade should run smooth… If you a one-man-show this could causes a real headache. I’m really did my best for each and every upgrade, but it’s impossible for an installation base of 50.000 – 100.000 blogs. With Version 1.8.0 I modify the permalink structure of the gallery links, which is for the future more SEO friendly (I really hate SEO optimisation)… but I missed to test some custom structures (i.e. /%postname%/ or /%category%/%postname%/ ). So the new feature will break the plugin for this structures. Sorry, for any trouble this caused. I’m looking into this and hope to fix it in a couple of weeks…

In the meantime you have three options :

a) Stay on Version 1.7.3, which should be fine (download here)
b) Change your permalink structure ( Could be a SEO issue )
c) Deactivate just the Gallery permalinks (See gallery settings)

Update : Should be fix with Version 1.8.3


NextGEN Gallery V1.8.0 released

I’m happy to release the next version oy NextGEN Gallery. There are some improvements for the backend menu and a rework of the permalink structure. Please noticed the new setting in the option menu, where you can change the main slug for the permalinks.

More over I’ve added the support for XML Sitemaps for images. You just need to install the great plugin from Yoast : WordPress SEO

I did my best to test the plugin, please report (as always) any problems at the forums. Thanks !

Download NextGEN Gallery Version 1.8.0
Release @ wp.org

Please note that you need WordPress 3.1 or higher.


NextGEN Gallery 1.8.0 Beta 1

Whoa… long break till the last release. I’m currently heavily busy with my daily work, so I need to slow down a bit the development the last months. Anyway something is changed under the hood. I’ve finally added the new permalink structure, as the current is ‘not-soooo-url-friendly’ and I’ve added a sorting option for the manage gallery page. Hope you like this improvement…

My next vacation is in front of me, so I decided to release a first second beta, that you are able to test this new features. I’m happy for any kind of feedback about this version.


Windows Live Photo Gallery with NextGEN

I’m happy to report that the people from Krangoo create a new addon for for Windows Live Photo Gallery that enables you to upload photos from your computer to NextGEN Gallery.

Download & check the details here
