NextGEN Gallery Version 1.6.0 beta 3

Time for a new version and your feedback. This version include two new features :

  • WordPress 3.0 Multisite support
    I never used WPMU but I did my best to get it running again under Multisite environment. As you know it run into a upgrade loop, this version should fix this problem and more over you can upgrade all blogs via one click
  • jQuery Cycle Slideshow integration
    It’s maybe not the best looking solution, as I wrote in my previous post their exists tons of good solutions, but it comes nearest to the flash slideshow layout. Just browse your gallery on your iPhone or iPad and give me your feedback.

Please report any bug in the forums. Thanks !

Update : New Beta 3 should fix issues with IE browser and Slideshow. If you upgrade a multisite blog to this version, please deactivate / re-activate the plugin “site wide”.

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57 thoughts on “NextGEN Gallery Version 1.6.0 beta 3

  1. Maïs says:

    Nice, i wil try it.

    I also see on the changelog your plan for the 1.7, looks great ! The best image gallery plugin for WordPress 🙂

  2. David says:

    Have tried the new beta, but whilst it works the images when loaded are not always the right size, deformed. I think it has to do with Jcycle not loading but can’t solve it.

    Also cannot load additional images to a gallery once it has created and had an initial batch of images uploaded.

  3. alex.rabe says:

    from which version do you upgrade ? Any error message when you try to add new images ?

  4. Ken says:

    I noticed the same thing. When uploading a picture to the gallery, it shows the progress til it gets to 100%. Then it says (0) pictures successfully uploaded. I also have several posts with slideshows. Some of the slideshows do show the non-flash pictures, others don’t. The images on the ones that do are improperly sized or distorted. I upgraded from the last official version on wordpress. I noticed it did a data base update after it installed.

  5. alex.rabe says:


    Ups i found the bug, I played the last days too much in a multisite blog and forgot to check it under a “normal” WP installation, Updated the version now (BETA2)

    Would be happy to see a link about the slideshow issue…

  6. Ken says:

    I found out what was wrong with the slideshow. I use monoslideshow and was using “monoslideshow” in the short code instead of “slideshow”. Using either in the short code works fine for flash, but not for the non-flash slideshow.

  7. Kris says:

    Please add the possibility of showing breadcrumb with your plugin and it will be perfect.

    It should be standard I guess. If the beta version you are working on has it, let me know so I can install it soon.

    Regards and thanks for sharing.


  8. David says:

    Have updated to 2 beta. Seems better in upload M main concern is the display as a slideshow with jquery, the images load elongated and not as intended. See the webpage link above. I think this has something to do with the images not loading quick enough before the slideshow starts. I think some code can be pt somewhere to deal with this, but I have no idea what code or where. Your help would be appreciated.

  9. JakiCrush says:

    nice, i like it! if WordTube would do the same – not use flash – it would be wonderful as well 😉

    However, thank you very much for your efforts, i think i will start using NextGen as soon as the Non-Flash version goes live.


  10. alex.rabe says:

    You source images are already deformed, see :

    So the slideshow can’t bring them in the correct ratio…

  11. Ken says:

    The upload problem is indeed fixed. The non-flash sizing seems to work well. I did get some distortion in the slideshow at first when I had the default size in the general image settings set too large. I adjusted that setting and everything works great.

  12. Stephan Glas says:

    Hallo Alex,

    Zuerst muss ich dir zu dem wirklich genialen Plugin gratulieren, ich nutze es nun schon gut 1 Jahr und hatte noch nie Probleme damit!

    Nun scheint es jedoch als hätte sich irgendwo ein fehler eingeschlichen. Ich kann keine Gallerien mehr hinzufügen. Wenn ich neue Gallerie hinzufügen will kommt nicht mehr das gewohnte “Formular” zum uploaden sondern die Prozentanzeige welche normalerweise beim erstellen der Thumbs angezeigt wird steht bei 0% und arbeitet auch nicht weiter.

    Ich kann mich erinnern, dass ich einmal aufgrund eines Problems den Upload einer Gallerie abgebrochen habe, seitdem habe ich das Problem!

    Weisst du vielleicht eine Lösung? Wenn du einen Screenshot benötigst bitte einfach bescheid sagen! Hoffe auf baldige Antwort!


  13. Well done, thank you!

    I use the monoslideshow plug in with shortcode of “nggallery” and now I get what exactly what I wanted: monoslideshow loads on flash supported devices, and the jquery slideshow loads on my iTouch.

    I’d like to add one thing to the wish list…

    With the monoslideshow I’m displaying my image description as the caption (description only, not title). I see that the jquery doesn’t display those image description strings. I’d love for the jquery slides to display the description text of the images, eventually. If that’s already possible via a configuration setting or code tweak, I’d appreciate some advice.

    Thanks again for your excellent work!

  14. David says:

    Thanks, I don not know how this image became corrupted. Anyway, I have reloaded the pix by FTP in the correct sizing and downloaded again to check the FTP did not corrupt. That was OK. However despite clearing the Nextgen caches and reloading the pics, I am still getting misshaped pics on the slideshow. I have checked the pix on the TFP and they are OK. Its looks like the slideshow is displayed large versions of the thumbnail. Any more thoughts. I am sure the problem lies somewhere in the Nextgen or jcycle.

  15. bolekz says:

    hi alex,
    great plugin, been waiting for ages to get it on my multisite, and now the upgrade loop is gone and it works fine.
    there is just one little problem i have, which is that if i upload to one of my blogs, i would like to be able to access the same galleries from all of my blogs, is that possible?
    i changed the gallery path to wp-conent/files in order to be able to access them, but that doesnt work, i still have a news site, that pulls the most recent entries from the whole site, and there it says it cant find the gallery.
    I am sure its just a small thing i am missing, but its so important to me.
    thanks in advance and keep up the amazing work, love it.

  16. DarkLight says:

    Are you fix following error?

    When I show all images on post, the full path of these images appears, not use permalinks. It looks like I hope the path seems


  17. Piet says:

    Hi Alex,

    Your beta doesn’t seem to work for me. On the Super Admin site no problems, but when I go to Gallery on one of the other domains I get the “eternal” update database tables screen.

    Once I click on update I receive the following error message:
    “Could not find NextGEN Gallery database tables, upgrade failed !”

    Hope this helps cleaning out the bugs!

  18. alex.rabe says:

    I will look into it

    @DarkLight + bolekz
    More Multisites features are for this release not planned, will look into it later

    You need to deactive the plugin and then reactive it again as “site wide plugin”

  19. TradiArt says:

    Hello Alex,

    Congratulations for creating the best WP gallery ever!

    Will be nice to show in all devices and browsers the jquery cycle slideshow.

    Does this version replace the flash slideshow?

    Thank you!

  20. Piet says:

    Thanks Alex, that indeed does the trick 🙂

  21. Max Sonntag says:

    ive waited for it cause of wordpress 3. will give it a try, thanx for the great tool!

  22. David says:

    Just setup beta 3 and it has resolved the distorted image problem. I do notice that the first image loads, switches to the second image and then back to the first image and then to the second image before moving onto the third image, the rest then follow ok. Not a major problem and maybe necessary to stop the distortion. Thanks for the fast work.

    • alex.rabe says:

      It’s due to the loading time, if you increase the show time for each slide the script has enough time to load the next image, otherwise it starts from the beginning, I maybe change it back to preload the first three images, before starting the slideshow

  23. David says:

    Another quick question, how does this work with the mobile pack for 2010, I have had a quick look and seems the images will not resize down so are chopped off on their width? Thanks

  24. David says:

    No worry, I have the time set for 3 secs whilst testing, will move it nearer to ten later.

  25. jack says:

    hello , alex.
    i have a little problem about the nextgen gallery.
    how can i do to let nextgen gallery showing the gallery by file name.
    example :

    i am willing to build a huge comic website using nextgen gallery.
    how you can help me.

  26. Frank J. says:

    Hi Alex,

    after upgrading to the latest beta I can see the improvement in aWP3 multiblog environment. Thanks!

    I am not sure though if I understood the concept behind it: If I have multiple blogs — do they have separate galleries? I mean: Blog A has a large gallery but blog B cannot see this.

    My need is that all blogs (A and B) should be able to access the same gallery. From what I understand there is a “gallery path” (Galerie-Pfad) under “Options” — but it cannot be edited.

    Blog A shows “wp-content/gallery/” (which is the correct path), blog B only shows “/”. I would like to switch the path for gallery B to the same path as in blog A (which would hopefully give me access to all the pictures) — but changing the path in the backend-admin is not allowed. It is greyed out.

    Any ideas?


  27. Frank J. says:

    @Jack: Did you try the “sort” feature in the gallery? I am sure this will help — or I did not understand your problem properly.


  28. Andy says:


    Wonderful plugin! Installed and working with WordPress 3.0.1 multisite.

    Only issue I have is that users below superadmin cannot see the Gallery on their dashboard…

    Andy ideas where I might be going wrong? I can’t find anywhere to change the roles regarding NextGEN. Using NextGEN 1.6.0 beta 3


  29. Thomas says:

    Hi !

    I’ve been waiting for this evolution for a long time !!! thank you very much.
    But i didn’t manage to install it on my test website… I just have the waiting gif…

    Do i have to install some kind of jQuery plugin to run it properly ? I feel a little lost…

    If someone could be nice to help me, it would really great !

    Nice to everyone,

    site :

  30. alex.rabe says:

    I do no plan currently to extend Multisites in this way, Code contribution are welcome

    Do you activate it site wide ?

  31. Andy says:

    Hi Alex,

    I activated nextGEN site wide and can see separate galleries in each individual site when logged in as a super admin. When logging in with a user with the role of (for example) ‘editor’, nextGEN doesn’t appear on the dashboard…

    Thanks for you help!


  32. qiubo says:

    Anyone know how end user spanish speaker can use this on their subsite would be great to see it translated.

  33. Rado says:


    Will you have to plan in future (close or far) work on integration NextGen gallery with buil-in WordPress Media Upload like this plugin ?

    I build o website for café restaurant with WordPress 3.0 and there will be Image and also Video gallery.

    NextGen features are realy great. I like it. But there isnt any feature to add video galeries or other media content.

    Think so, that many users like me appreciate more diverse media content.

  34. alex.rabe says:

    NextGEN Gallery is focused on “Images/Gallery”, currently I do not plan to rebuild the core media features or extend them, this should be part of other plugins…

  35. Frank J. says:

    Hi Alex,

    I wish I could contribute any code — but I am more a user than a coder.

    I could make the separate galleries run now (and I can live with it). Had to copy and paste the content of a database field (ngg_options) from the working gallery blog to the ones that contained wrong paths. I think it could be helpful in a multiblog environment to set the paths manually in the back end.

    Thanks for replying!


  36. David says:


    I am running WP 3.0.1 and Nextgen 1.6b3 and cannot create galleries.
    Only manually, but client needs this ability.

    Keep getting message: Unable to create directory wp-content/gallery/test/thumbs !

    I am not running multisite, but the site is in a sub-domain.

    The update from 1.5.5 didnt seem to fix it.

  37. jack says:

    can somebody help me?

  38. Peter Lolopot says:

    Is there a way to have random pictures/thumbnails in gallery. I am not talking about Sidebar or Widget. I am talking about classic/regular gallery.

    Thank you.


  39. Francesc says:

    I love nextgen gallery, but I have lots of problems with wordpress 3.0.1. May pages appear in blank when nextgen is activated:


    I’ve tried beta too, and the same error.

    Help me please!

  40. Ken says:

    There does appear to be an issue with the non-flash display and monoslideshow. If I am using monoslideshow, I do get some distorted pictures. If I turn off monoslideshow, the distortion seems to disappear.

  41. Francesc says:

    I’ve seen this error in error_log file:

    [31-Aug-2010 17:34:06] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 491520 bytes) in /home/astroemp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/admin/manage-images.php on line 479

    this line contains

    ); echo $page_links_text; ?>

    anyone could help me?

  42. Jürgen says:

    Ich habe seit Jahren das Problem, dass die Hochformat Fotos nur gequetscht oder gestaucht dargestellt werden.
    Dies betrifft nur die Widgets. Im Prinzip das gleiche wie Du hier mit “Galerie” über “recent comments”. Füg da doch mal ein Hochkantfoto ein, es wird nicht gehen. Wie gesagt, seit Jahren mache ich jedes Update weil ich denke dass es damit erledigt ist und jetzt bin ich langsam am verzweifeln.
    Was mache ich falsch?


  43. artur says:

    Alex, great plug-in !

    BUT if others Users under the SuperAdmin cant use the plugin on their sites…then whats the point? i dont understand then how it is ‘enabled to work on WP3’

    any chance of making this happen in the near future?



  44. geomatani says:

    Thanks you for the release.Cant wait to try new NG Gallery

    I am planing to translate your plugins in my Language (georgeian)

    I just need your email, so please send it to me.


  45. Melanie says:

    Hello Alex!

    I LOVE NEXTGEN! However, I am uploading the files to my site– but having massive issues with thumbnails– if you go to my homepage– you can see that the thumbnails dont show, also in main navigation you can click “photos”

    It keeps saying error…not enough space, etc amongst other error messages. However, we have sufficient space on server and have been uploading all other audio files and pictures fine.

    Any advice?


  46. Daniel says:

    Hi Alex,

    ich verwende Nextgen schon lange mit voller Zufriedenheit.

    Nun habe ich es auch unter WP Multisite mit Domainmapping ausprobiert. Das funktioniert bei mir leider nicht.

    -> Galerieverzeichnis wird angelegt.
    -> Anschließend erscheint nach dem Upload eines Bildes: Error HTTP: 302 und
    -> anschließend in gelbem Dialog der Verzeichnispfad /wp-content/uploads/galeriename “enthält keine Bilder”.

    Viele Grüße


  47. Daniel says:

    noch ein Nachtrag:

    Ich kann in keinem der Blogs den Uploadpfad einstellen?

  48. I am greatly indebted to your plugin, it really does make me look like a rockstar developer in front of loads of people 😀
    – Gary – Admin – SC2Strategy

  49. nico says:

    Hi Alex,

    I’ve used an older version of NG Gallery on another site, great!
    Now I’ve a new domain with WP301-MU installed and the latest beta3 version of the plugin.
    This works really well but only tried it on one subsite at the moment.

    Only thing is the slideshow widget doesn’t work (jcycle), is that activated already or is it just a holding-place for later?
    If I drag it into my theme it just doesn’t show up at all!

    Keep up the great work!

  50. Daniel says:

    Hi Alex,

    ich hatte die Einstellungen unter Blognetzwerk nicht gesehen.

    Nach einer kompletten Deinstallation wurden dann die Pfade auf /wp-content/blogs.dir/%BLOG_ID/files/ angenommen.

    Der Upload funktioniert aber trotzdem nicht.

    Wenn ich die Dateien per ftp in das angelegte Verzeichnis schiebe, finde das Skript sie dann aber.


  51. Andrew says:

    Hi there what is the php requirements to run Next gen gallery on WordPress 2.9?

  52. Ale says:

    Hi Alex

    Great Plugin!

    I’m using it on WP 3 with multisite, but why the latest versions have in grey (not editable) the path of galleries (on single sites panel) and in this way the images go into a wrong folder and the images not showed.

    The previous versions (1.4.X) work fine instead.


  53. Chris says:

    Hallo Alex,

    ich verwende WP 3.0.1, NextGen Gallery 1.6.2, Multiblog System, Nexgen über alle Blogs aktiviert.

    Alles funktioniert … der Upload, die Bilder werden in der Galerieansicht gezeigt. Nur: die Slideshows funktionieren nicht.

    Der Imagerotator.swf liegt im richtigen Verzeichnis: Nextgen hat in den Settings für Slideshow via “search” den Pfad gefunden.

    Als Bilderansicht sehe ich alle Bilder, als Slideshow nur das rotierende Ding ohne Bilder:

    Kann es sein, dass es irgendwo an den Pfadangaben hakt?
    Von anderen meiner Webseiten und anderen Galerieplugins kenne ich, dass sie die Pfade der Multiblogs nicht richtig interpretieren, sag ich mal als Laie (“blogs.dir…” versus “meineseite/files/…”).

    Wie bekomme ich die Slideshow zum Laufen?

  54. Olli_A says:

    hallo Alex,
    erstmal ein großes Lob für deine Arbeit und die tolle Gallery. Hab vieles ausprobiert, aber die Nextgen ist einfach Klasse.

    Nun meine Frage; auf der Blogseite hätte ich gerne die Blätter Funktion der Gallery, aber auf meinen anderen Seiten hätte ich gerne die komplette Galerie.
    Ich bin nicht sehr bewandert mit WordPress und html, vllt gibt es diese Funktion sogar schon, aber hab noch nichts gefunden.
    Danke schonmal im Voraus


  55. Derek Harding says:

    I implemented a fairly simple hack to enable videos in nextgen gallery. It uses shadowbox to display pictures/videos.

    First ensure the following is on your page. I did this by adding it to my theme configuration.

    $(“.ngg-gallery-thumbnail a”).each(function (arr){
    if ($(this).attr(“title”).search(/video/i) != -1){
    $path = $(this).children(“img”).attr(“src”).replace(“thumbs/thumbs_”, “”);
    $(this).attr(“href”,$path.replace(“.jpg”, “.flv”));

    The process for adding a video is now as follows.
    1. create the video e.g. myvideo.flv and put it in a gallery folder
    2. create a picture for the video with a corresponding name e.g. myvideo.jpg (I do this automatically using imagemagick)
    3. add the picture to the gallery by scanning for new images.
    4. add the word “video” to the title of the picture.

    I had already modified nggallery to generate my own titles which include a comma separated list of tags. So I can just tag videos as “video” to make the above work but on a default nggallery I think the video’s title will need to include the word video.

    Hope this is clear and makes sense.

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