
Monday, 02.Feb.2009 14:15 (CET)

Only 391 ratings. What’s your rating ?

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14 thoughts on “500.000

  1. warhonowicz says:

    tried to give a rating but wordpress.org won’t let me … fails every time

  2. Ramoonus says:

    same here
    can`t vote, error on multiple plugins

  3. TheFrosty says:

    Congrats! Just updated to the latest..

  4. Hello Alex,

    I am wondering if there is anything new to report on the SEO issue? I mean images not being indexed at all under ../wp-content/gallery?

    I hope there is some workaround for this?

    THanks in advance


  5. Roon says:

    Just upgraded to the latest version, absolutely love it!

  6. Fabrizio says:

    Congratulations Alex!! NextGen It’s the best plugin!!

  7. Bradley says:

    Alex – I am having an issue that I cannot resolve. I have left many posts in WP forum, but cannot get any help. If you can assist with issue I would be donation grateful. *wink wink..

    Please help..



  8. Also here I see related problems and so far no solutions.. does anyone have an idea? thanks


  9. jeroen klein says:

    Hello Alex,

    i’m using your plugin for quite a while and with succes, but since the upgrade i am having troubles with the plugin (using wp 2.7). The error I get is:

    WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1 for query SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_ngg_gallery AS t INNER JOIN wp_ngg_pictures AS tt ON t.gid = tt.galleryid WHERE tt.exclude != 1 ORDER by rand() limit made by require, require_once, include, get_header, locate_template, load_template, require_once, nggDisplayRandomImages, nggWidget->ngg_widget_output.

    This this error come from your website or is this error due to mysql (5). Hopefully you or somebody else can help me with this error ??



  10. Yogie says:

    Hi Alex,

    I tried to change and enhance the EXIF information but had no success as I’m not a programmer but I found a useful document describing the EXIF info http://www.exif.org/Exif2-2.PDF maybe you can add support for more then the few EXIF data NextGEN at the moments supports, like if the flash did fire or not and a few more 🙂 ??

    Please add!

    Many thanks


  11. Arit says:

    hi Alex

    GREAT WORK !!!! I’m always excited about this really nice plugin. i don’t know how to handle without it. (but same problem, can’t rate on wp-site). thank you very much! (further appreciation later, when i finished a job).

  12. Irene says:

    This looks awsome:-))) I have just downloadet it to my blog. But now I have to figure out how I can work it.I use WP 2.7. Is there any template you would recomand to get the best of his plug in? And is it possible to get codes, so I can use it on my main site as well? This is exacly what Ive been looking for:-))

  13. ???? says:

    Congratulations Alex, I am also one of 500000. 😉

  14. Maurice says:

    Fantastic! Hope you also received 500.000 donations 🙂

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