NextGEN Gallery for iPhone/iPod Touch

I’m very impressed about the new iPhone Safari Browser. It’s the first mobile web browser which render all pages and show them in a good way (No, I didn’t get money from Apple). For my own purpose I would like to show my family galleries from my web page.  It’s ok with the standard page design, but a iPhone native web page would be even better.

So I get the iUI from Joe Hewitt (Creator of Firebug) and programmed (based on the WordPress Mobile Edition by Alex King) a little plugin to show the galleries in a iPhone native design. Really not very famous, but usefull for me.

Here are some screenshots (With Safari, I didn’t Jailbreak my iPod for now) :

NextGEN Gallery for iPhone - 1 NextGEN Gallery for iPhone - 2 NextGEN Gallery for iPhone - 3 NextGEN Gallery for iPhone - 4

You can see a live demonstration when you visit with your iPhone/iPod.

Mhhh, Is anybody interested in this addon ? (if there is enough feedback I will consider to publish this little modification…)

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56 thoughts on “NextGEN Gallery for iPhone/iPod Touch

  1. Matt says:

    I would love to see this become released. It opens up a whole new level of mobility for a WordPress blog & gallery.

  2. Emil says:

    Yeah, it would be great 🙂

  3. I would truly love to have this for my site.

  4. Boris says:

    That would be really great! I have adjusted the nggallery code to make it work with WordPress Mobile Plugin, but a native support would be awesome!

  5. It would be great to be able to pull out my iphone and show people my galleries in such an elegant way.

  6. Adam says:

    Sweet! Would love to see it released.

  7. Marc says:

    Yes! This would be a very cool plugin for iPhone/iTouch users.

  8. haig says:

    That would be great. do it!
    I’m sure it would become a hit plugin.
    Please release it

  9. Kevin says:

    for sure! This would be great!

  10. Jamal says:

    I would love to deploy this on my website.

  11. Henrik says:

    Yes, I would definitely like to this this addon!!

  12. Jacob Stoops says:

    Hello…I’ve recently discovered the NextGEN Gallery and I liked it so much, I’ve decided to implement it in my header, and eventually all throughout my site! Also, I would like to request to be featured on your page as someone who has implemented the gallery in my header.

    Thanks So Much,

    Jacob Stoops
    Webstinker Web Design

  13. Chris says:

    I would love this plug-in!

  14. Forum says:

    Well, it would be fantastic… 🙂

    I love it plug-in 🙂

  15. iltuoiphone says:

    good work I’m really interested.

  16. marco says:

    Sorry, but i have to say: iphone sucks deeply. Nice to see that you keep working on ngg anyway.

  17. Brandon says:

    I would be totally edxcited to see this released. While not at all impressed with the iphone, I am enamored with my ipod touch and MANY of my friends have Iphones. You can count on a donation from my end!

  18. Dimitri says:

    Congratulations, NextGen is obe of the best WP plugins I ve ever seen!. So I would be very pleased if You would publish Your iPhone addon (the screenshots look quite interesting)

  19. Tim says:

    Great plugin idea. I’d love to see this available!

  20. tryphoon says:

    Yes, please release this. I am currently using the iPhone compatible wordpress theme and are not totally happy with it. This would just make my day!
    BTW, congratulations on your “new long term project”… I hope that you guys can get some rest every now and then (been there, done that).

  21. JK says:

    I would love this plugin. What I would really love is for someone who happens to visit my photo website on their iphone/touch to default to a properly formatted page. Is this possible?

    In other words, instead of making a separate gallery specifically for an iphone/touch, is it possible for the plugin to change how it renders depending on how the page is accessed?

    Great work as always!

  22. alex.rabe says:

    OK, OK, OK,… I will release the code for you in the next days…

  23. matt says:

    this sounds great….

    we are looking to be very iphone friendly…

    check out this other iphone stuff i have found



  24. Matt says:

    Any release status updates? Thanks Alex!

  25. alex.rabe says:

    @Matt and all

    Still needs some time, I didn’t get the time to finish it right yet.

  26. Sean says:

    Alex has there been any updates in the release of the iphone mod? R/

  27. rebel6 says:

    this is really great! any plans to roll this out soon? i’d love to be able to add an iphone/ipod touch option to my galleries at:

    i think this could be a big hit among your gallery fans!

    great work!

  28. Matt says:

    Alex, I would be willing to pay for this plugin if you are interested. It doesn’t have to be perfect, your demo fits the bill great!

    Please send me an email if you are willing to sell the code. 🙂


  29. alex.rabe says:


    i’ve send you a email with the code

  30. rebel6 says:


    Can you email me the code as well? I’d really love to get my photo blog in iphone/ipod touch format, and love your WP plugin!

    Thanks again for all the great and hardwork!

  31. m@rco says:

    Hi Alex,

    How much it cost to buy the code.
    I would be willing to pay for this plugin.

    Best Regards,

  32. xploration says:

    you emailed me the files for this wonderful iphone formatted site.

    i cannot figure out how to modify the toolbar/header? any help would be greatly appreciated. i want to change the color, the size and add an image.

  33. Gavin Will says:

    I would be interested in this also.

    I currently have alot of flash in my website for pictures and feel a iphone friendly site would be great.

    I would appreciate if you could email me the code. Im willing to offer feedback and anything else I can help with

    Many Thanks

  34. Gerald says:

    Yes, please !!!!

  35. Johannes says:

    I know this post is old. But i am very interested in your modification of the code to show the gallery on the iPhone.
    Can you please eMail me the Code?
    Thanks a lot.

  36. shreyk says:

    im still busy working on my site for iphone wallpapers this plugin would be a great addition …. please please email me the code
    great work!
    thanks a lot

  37. kvjeta says:


    the plugin seems nice. Well done.

    I have suggestion how to improve photo browsing (sliding).

    The best way for picture viewing in iphone I saw on:
    – visit from your iphone


  38. wwwindi says:

    I will be fully setting up my gallery soon and would LOVE this addon to work with Next Gen gallery. Send me the code please!

    Thank you –

  39. tdiaz says:

    I’m really interested in getting an alternate solution to WPG2 and WordPress. The thing is just a server resource hog.

    If I can upload from iPhoto or Aperture, and take photos with an iPhone camera .. thats what I have now with and WPG2.

    I’d even be interested in using the code to work out an app that can take pictures. I’ve been experimenting with Xcode/iPhone SDK too..

  40. Tom says:

    Hi there,

    I really would love to have such an addon 🙂

    Can you make an iPhone application out of it?
    The only thing I’m really missing at the moment is, the possibility to upload pictures from my iPhone directly into one of the Galleries… 😀

    (If there is already a possibility to do so an I’ve just missed it, I would be really grateful for any hints 😉 )

  41. John says:

    Hello Alex,

    How would I be able to get my hands on this code? I think this is very interesting and promising.

  42. jamie says:

    very interested in this!

  43. Jeff says:

    Hi Alex,

    Been using your gallery for a while now, wordtube too ; great plugins, my wordpress says thanks 🙂

    I’ve been trying to port my website to the ipod, which I did by using a plugin called wpTouch ; great plugin too btw.
    However, I haven’t yet been able to make the nextgen gallery work properly on the iphone. My main problem is the navigation between pictures, a problem you apparently solved according to the screenshots of this post.
    Now, this post is also two years old so I don’t know if you still have the code, but if you do, I think we’d appreciate it, really 🙂
    Can you give us some feedback about this issue please ?

    Thanks in advance,



  44. Aymerick says:


    i’m also interested by your code,
    i think your plugin is perfect, except for mobile access.

    I hope you can send the code to me.

    Thanks !

  45. Bucefalo says:

    Hi Alex, thanks for your grat work.

    I’m setting up a mobile version for my site that uses nextgen gallery. Please explain me how to use the code you made, o how to integrate jaipho with you amazin gallery plugin.

    Thanks a lot.

    Felipe Carvajal from Chile.

  46. Hendrik says:

    Hey Alex,
    ich würde auch gerne dieses Plugin benutzen bzw die Modifikation.
    Könntest du mir den Code schicken?

    Dank dir

  47. Andy says:

    Hi Alex, can I please have a copy of the code?

    Would greatly love to help Ipod/pad users find stuff, this code mod looks very interesting, definitely worth a try.

    Also, just another hand in the air that I would pay for a full (installable) app that can access my nextgen library on an iDevice.

  48. Foto Andy says:

    Hi again Alex,

    Would (still) really love to have a copy of this code, any chance of it coming my way?

    Please let me know, and thanks again for all the NextGen work! 🙂

  49. If this is still working with the current version of NGG I would love to try this with my site. I do have a question. Does this allow the ability to upload images into NGG from the iPhone and if not do you know of a way.
    Thank you for every thing.

  50. Zudie says:

    Would love an iphone/ipad update for NextGen too!

  51. moda graphik says:

    hello there, i was wondering if i could have the iphone compatible code, thx

  52. Charles says:


    I would love this add-on in Next Gen gallery. Send me the code please!


  53. Could you please send me the code – would love to implement this on my wordpress photography website!

  54. Romain says:

    I would love to use this add-on on my website ! How can i do this ?

  55. Chris says:

    I’d also like to get the code to get nextgen working on phones;)

  56. Matt says:

    Hello Alex,

    Could you please send me the code too ? Thank you Very much if it’s possible !


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