NextGEN Gallery 1.9.0 Beta 1

WordPress 3.3 will arrive in the next weeks, so it’s time for the new version of NextGEN Gallery. This version introduces along with WordPress 3.3 the new PLupload feature. I also rework a bit the PNG /GIF format handling, so that transparency images are should be shown up correct.


23 thoughts on “NextGEN Gallery 1.9.0 Beta 1

  1. Megan says:

    I’m still struggling to get 1.8 to work on any of my sites that use the carousel. See my comment on the last post. I have a bunch of sites stuck on 1.7.4 because upgrading them breaks the carousel. Have tried all suggestions re permalinks, but can’t get it to work.

  2. Vielen Dank für die tolle Galerie!

    Da es eine Beta ist gehe ich davon aus, dass der Produktiveinsatz nicht empfohlen ist. Ich habe bei einem Kundenprojekt die Version 1.8.4 im Einsatz. Ist diese auch unter WP 3.0 einsatzfähig oder soll noch abgewartet werde, bis Sie mit der Galerie soweit sind? Wissen Sie schon ab wann mit der finiten Version gerechnet werden kann?

  3. Mark Bethke says:

    Congratulations on the 4 million download. Did you give up the donations for beer? You used to have a micro brewery listed. Let me know how to donate a beer. I like your plugin and I believe you should be rewarded. Keep up the great work.

    If I could offer some advice. It would be nice if you registered your meta tags so I don’t have to remove them to validate. I’m an old man and a stickler for details.

  4. pauluZ says:

    [version 1.8.4.]
    Hello. I have small problem when use ‘NextGEN Gallery’ with ‘ALO EasyMail Newsletter’. When use Post with gallery in it there’s no $nggRewrite object – in function: nggShowGallery() in file /nggfunctions.php.
    My quick solution in my blog is:
    (line about: 153, after: global $nggRewrite;)
    if (!$nggRewrite) {
    require_once (dirname (__FILE__) . ‘/lib/rewrite.php’);
    Thanks for consider this suggestion. 🙂

  5. Alex Rabe says:

    Why does it break the carousel ?

    THX will look into this

  6. John Jordan says:

    Hi i have use nextgen Gallery before and it works fine on the iphone but the latest release dosn’t? Is it an issue my side or is it a problem with the latest release and if so will it be fixed in the update? Thanks very much for creating such a simple and effective plugin.

  7. Will Foster says:

    Thanks for continuing work on this project. This has been a huge resource for presenting my online portfolio as a photographer. I have enjoyed working with, and tweaking the output of NGG and am looking forward to future improvements. Thanks again! Feel free to check out how I’ve implemented NGG on my web site.

  8. Pedro says:

    Is it possible to show preview thumbs from my Youtube channel and when clicking in them to open video? (automatic read-out from YouTube)
    Sorting thumbnails?

    would be great

  9. Tim Elston says:

    I like this plugin and it is very useful. There is a deal-breaker though and I hope this is an issue that’s being dealt with in v-1.9.0. I would like to be able to center the thumbnails on the page. There are endless posts on this in the WP NextGen Gallery forum and there are some CSS hacks for everything except IE. Is this something you are addressing in this new version?

  10. Megan says:

    Hi Alex, it breaks the carousel as I am still having problems with the permalinks. I am using %postname% as my permalink structure, which I know you acknowledged as being a problem, but I thought it had been fixed?

    I have ticked Activate Permalinks in the General Options tab, clicked Proceed Now to create new URL friendly image slugs, and updated my permalinks structure again, but it still doesn’t work. If I click one on of the thumbnails, the large image doesn’t refresh.

    I tried unticking Activate Permalinks, but then clicking on one of the thumbnails takes me to a blank page.

    It’s getting to be a huge problem, as I offer a template site that uses the carousel, so I have quite a few sites that I can’t upgrade. Any clue as to why it’s still not working?

  11. Sam says:

    Hi, is the PLupload only for the administration side of NGG or can the public use it as well? I am currently having many issues with NextGEN Public Uploader…

  12. Greg says:

    How does one get in the beta program? Where can I download the file? Is it not out yet?


  13. Nico says:

    Just to talk about a bug.
    In this page :
    If you go to the second page of the second gallery, every gallery are on the second page even if they haven’t…
    Hope that helps
    Many thanks for your plugin

  14. Chaos says:

    Is there any way you could make the settings include “no border for thumbnails”?? it’s very hard to do it by editing the CSS.

  15. Johnny says:


    I’m using this plugin for a client right now, but there is one thing that is confusing the visitors. There is no X button on the top right corner of the images. Many dont know how to close it. Clicking the image to close it is not very logical hehe.

    Any way to add this easily with jquery ?

  16. I have downloaded the latest version using wordpress 3.3 and the thumbnails don’t work. I also had to increase the memory on the PHP.ini file and also add some code to the header.php to get it to work. Are you going to do a bug fix ASAP

  17. Dave says:

    Hi, this is a great plugin have been using for a while now.
    is there any way to limit the “Number of images per page” for Albums as there currently is for Galleries using the shortcode “[album id=x template=compact]” ?

  18. Mike says:

    Hi Alex!
    Ich habe wieder in einen Projekt ngg-galery eingesezt.
    Nach 2 Tagen habe ich massig requests aus Rusland, Ukraine, Estland etc.. die nach dem muster aussehen:

    ist es so dass die hackermafia irgend ein loch in deinen plugin wieder vermutet ???


  19. Mike says:

    … merkwurdig auf ein mal hat es aufgehört (siehe comment oben).
    2-tage nach dem ich ngg in einen alten projekt installiert habe ging es los mit c-ss-atacken aus alle herren(-hacker)länder, immer auf die seiten mit ngg-output … und jezt ist wider ruhe im logfile …

  20. Barry says:

    Hope you are working on the thumbnail bug: “ID xxx: A failure occurred.” We have two sites getting ready to launch and are having to manually create and add thumbs.

    Here’s some info in case it helps. Everything was fine until the update to 1.9.0/1.9.1 & WP 3.3.1 (not sure which broke it).

    We have two sites on the same account at godaddy. We created the second site just last week by copying the WP Admin/WP Content / WP Includes, and making an export/import of the DB. The strange thing is, the cloned site DOES NOT have the thumbnail problem, but the original site DOES. Yet the sites are virtually identical.

    Let me know if you want any more info on our installation!

    Good luck!

  21. Lavinia says:


    Have upgraded WordPress plus made alts to my theme. Nextgen wont load any images – just the spinning wheel. Anyone know a way to fix??

  22. emilie says:

    Hello alex,

    i am using nextgen gallery and i have a question, as my gallery is not placed at the top of the page, i would like to know if it is possible to add an anchor on the pagination (number an arrows) because, otherwise, when i click to next page, i have to scroll down to be able to continue to click to the next number…

    btw thank for your great plugin.

    Thanks for your answer,

  23. how to add nofollow atribute for thumbnails in galleries?

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