NextGEN Gallery V1.9.0 Release Candidate 1

Here is the final version which should be stable enough for production sides. Please help testing now !


33 thoughts on “NextGEN Gallery V1.9.0 Release Candidate 1

  1. Hallo

    Hast du irgend etwas an den Einstellungen geÀndert das die Bilder bei google besser indiziert werden?

    Leider werden bei mir momentan nur die Thums indiziert, keine Ahnung an was das liegt 😩


  2. Client says:

    Great! New version!

  3. Phil says:

    Hello I have the latest 1.8 version on mys WP. How to I update the V1.9 RC? I downloaded it and try to add it through the WP utility. I had an error message: Directory already exist.

    Thanks for your help.


  4. W4yne says:

    First, I’m really facinated of your work. The only thing is missing is the SEO-Effect. I also would like if you could automaticly give a add to the virtual robot.txt to not index the thumb directories of each gallery. This would prevent google from indexing them and should help google to concentrate themself on indexing the full images.

  5. hector lima says:

    hello, Alex

    I can’t get the Image Browser gallery to work – the “Next” navigation link keep making the same (“home”) post to load:

    I’m using version 1.8.4 [the latest one listed at WP] and the Sugar Cane theme over the Thematic Theme Framework.

    is there something I can do to fix this?


  6. Chris says:


    there seems to be some errors:

    in the description field of the thumbnails I need to add a line break:

    © Chris Westermann


    So far, so good, but at frontend, when hovering over the image, it shows the code tags:


    How can I avoid this strange output in frontend, when I need to use line breaks within the thumbnail description?


  7. Hi Alex,
    sorry to bother -you will be so busy working on the new release- however I have to make a question:

    I’m trying to make another plugin (WP Shopping Cart) that added the possibility to put “buy now” buttons to your ngg_pictures using a inside the description ([wp_cart:NAME:price:999:end]).

    But for user friendly reasons I’m searching to add a column in ngg_pictures called “price” so the user don’t have to compose that hard strings while having the button created for him.

    In the first place, I thought that it was a good idea to sacrifice the tag column, but I now discovered that you use wp default term_taxonomy instead of an extra column in ngg_pictures.

    So, my question is, is it possible to easily add custom_fields to NGG like with wordpress posts?

    That could take every plugin developer to new possibilities, like -for example- an integration between ecommerce plugins and Next Gen Gallery.

    While you think about this feature, is there an easy way I could add a content-editable column to the manage-gallery pages?
    I would like to use it as “price”.


  8. Alvise, you can use this plugin to add custom fields to images or galleries:

    Combined with a user-defined view gives you an easy way to add the price, or any other field, to each picture.

  9. Sam says:

    Hi, is the PLupload only for the administration side of NGG or can the public use it as well? I am currently having many issues with NextGEN Public Uploader

  10. Is there anyway that it would be possible to add front end support for the up-loader. I run a wordpress site for a boyscout troop and we really need to have the ability for scouts and their families to up-load to albums and galleries without allowing access to the backend. We have to use wordpress because many of the adults are not all that computer savvy. I have tried the nextgen public up-loader and found it to be severely lacking. I also went to the support forum for the developer of that plugin and it is completely dead with no questions ever getting replied to at all.

    • Alex Rabe says:

      The problem with a front end integration is always the security. You need to have very good checks if you allow anybody to upload something to your blog.

  11. Doug says:

    Hi, I just installed the updated version but noticed that my albums are not showing up on IE or firefox but is ok on chrome when I am logged in. I am using the short code [album id=12 template=extend]
    There should be 8 albums on my photo gallery page.
    If you could guide me in fixing this issue that would be great!


  12. Jacob says:

    Is there anyway to get the thumbnails to carry the correct color profile? It seems that when thumbnails are created their color profiles are striped away which makes them look dull and lacking the correct color. Any thoughts on this?

  13. Stefan says:

    Ist es möglich, innerhalb der Bilderliste zurĂŒck zu kommen zur Auswahl Diashow oder BilderĂŒbersicht? Vorhanden ist ja VOR und ZURÜCK. WĂ€re ein weiterer Button möglich?

    Und: Bei der Diashow habe ich immer rechts einen schwarzen Rahmen. Anscheinend wird hier der Bereich nicht durch das aktuelle Bild ausgefĂŒllt. Das Format ist immer 500×500. Ist dieser Hintergrund auch weiss zu machen. Die normalen Einstellungen fĂŒr den Hintergrund habe ich schon auf weiss gestellt.

    Besten Dank!

  14. kasper says:

    I used [nggtags gallery=tag] in my posts but no pictures appear? what can be a problem i added some tags to photos.. normal gallery tag apperar – i mean gallery tag by id but i would like to have some photos sort by tag

  15. @Antonio

    can you show me an example of code in wich you take out a custom field from an image gallery ?

  16. Eric says:

    I have been trying to add audio to slideshows, but have been unable. I tried the custom field method suggested and it still doesn’t work yet the link to the mp3 file does work just fine.

    Could you help me out?

  17. Kenny says:

    Love your work. I am running into an issue when trying to display an album. In IE9 the first gallery thumbail is displaying in its own div tag. Everything else seems to work just fine in FF, IE8 and IE8. I was wondering if you know of this issue and how I might be able to fix it.

    Thank you,

  18. Wim says:

    I like the gallery plugin very much and I’m using it for a few years now. I now had a problem with the new version, and I put the old version back again, but I got the same problem there at once:

    When I want to upload pictures in a gallery, I can’t use “flash upload”, because the Browse button isn’t working anymore!?

    I then used another computer, but I had the same problem overthere.

    Any suggestions?? Is it something of the new flash?

  19. karin says:

    Hy,I updated nextgenn gallery,but then the problem begon.
    Updated failed,because:

    Destination folder already exists. D:/www/

    Plugin install failed.

    grrrrrrr my computer is bin reiinstaled with windows 7,first I had vista………..

    I already trown everything from my D partion away,but the problem stays,and when I look to installed pluggins on wordpress,I don”t have the pluigin installed…….how can that be????

    please can someone help me ?
    I liked nextgenn gallery very much…………
    maybe someone in DUTCH???

  20. @Antonio

    Thank you for your advice, I managed to put the price in a custom column and I auto-create “paypal add to cart” buttons with the “simple paypal shopping cart” plugin, creating a view/gallery-custom.php file.

  21. Bachsau says:

    @karin: Use a REAL web server!

  22. Yo lo instale, pero no me funciono, no se cuals era el problema, no veo alguna opcion de como integrar mis fotos en una galeria

  23. Frank says:


    When viewing the last photo on a page, provide an option go to the first photo of the next page. I wouldn’t think this change would be very hard to implement and it would be a nice improvement to an already great WordPress plugin. Thanks.

  24. Ruth says:

    I have a slideshow on my homepage that is working just fine except in IE 8. When you click to another page and then go back to the home page, the slideshow doesn’t reload. Can you help me with this?

  25. FreeDiver says:

    Sowohl beim Betrachten der Bilder (nicht die Diashow) wie aber auch beim Benutzen des Sidebar Widgets, welches Bilder aus diversen NextGen Gallerys zeigt, verschwinden die Bilder hinter dem Headerbild (Kopfzeile) des Themes.

    Was ist da los und wie sieht die Lösung aus? Aufgefallen nach dem Update auf WP3.3. Idee dazu?

    Sonst ein super Programm!!! Donation folgt gerne. Gibt es eine deutsche Bankverbindung? Habe kein PayPal.

  26. Fantastic plug-in! Well worth the learning curve.

    A “replace image” option would be a helpful addition to the drop-down list in the Manage Gallery page. Right now I have to delete the entry and add it back with its title, description, and tags.

  27. Ralf Eyertt says:

    same mistake like FreeDriverr
    All pictures will open in the Back, so the Header and Headerpicture is over the pictures.. looks like shit
    As a photografer I have a realy problem with that.
    Is there any help?

  28. Elmarjason says:

    I have the exact same problem as FreeDiver and Ralf Eyertt.
    This makes the plugin somehow completely unusable.
    Will there be some kind of fix soon?

  29. Belper says:

    Hello, can somebody give shout how make slideshow from Nextgen gallery in center of pages? Always is in left sides :/

  30. anonim says:

    Hi, really nice plugin. But I have one little suggestion: Could you change the fact that, when you look at one photo by clicking on it, after closing it, the page is automatically at the top, even if you were looking at a photo at the bottom of it? Would be nice to stay at the same position =)

  31. Ferenc says:

    Yep, i have the same but it depends on the version of the browser…I have it for Ffox 3.624
    To make easier file upload I will suggest to create an “add image” into the form of the galery manager that will give the opportunity to update the galery without moving to another menu…

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