Client side image resize

Thanks to the work of the Moxiecode & WordPress team, I’m able to add the plupload feature into the next major release of NextGEN Gallery. Plupload is a tool which allows you to upload files using HTML5, Silverlight or Flash and enable a client side resize feature. Great framework !

A long long time I’m looking for such a great solution (just find some bad java based solution), I will publish this new feature along with the release of WordPress 3.3

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5 thoughts on “Client side image resize

  1. FritzServ says:

    This will be a great feature to reduce server load. Can’t wait!!!

  2. Mark says:

    Really looking forward to this – it will take NextGEN to a new level

  3. Adam says:

    Is there any estimate on when this will be released?

  4. Julia says:


    I have a question about resizing pictures for the nextgen gallery.

    Many times the thumbnail is not created. I read about the Memory Limit.
    – How do you calculate the size of resolution of an image which is possible to upload?

    Your memory Overview Plugin shows:
    PHP Version : 5.2.17 / 32Bit OS
    Memory limit : 90 MByte
    Memory usage : 24.1 MByte
    27% usage

    a Picture of the size 1600×1200 cannot create a thumbnail, shouldn’t this fit?? Also I have no error message it just stops while creating a thumbnail.

    Thanks a lot for your help

  5. Julia says:

    further input,

    I just contacted my provider and gave me the information that the PHP Memory limit is 32MB instead of 90MB what your plugin tells?? Which is the right one??


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